Science Fair

Mark your calendar for the evening of March 9th!  We will be celebrating Science at the Lower School!

All students are encouraged to participate by submitting at least one project of his/her interest!!! Entries at the earlier grades could be a collection or a simple model, labeled with your child's name.
Older students may wish to submit a more complex model, a comparative experiment, an experiment that follows the scientific method, or a research project on a particular science concept or scientist. If your child chooses to complete comparative experiments or experiments that follow the scientific method, please take lots of photos and display them along with text which displays the steps on a cardboard trifold board which can be purchased at your local craft store. The layout of the board should follow this format:


We will have the optional Cranium Club projects and Art of the Brick challenges students in grades K-4 have completed throughout the year, on display. We will also be inviting Scientists from our community into School to act as docents as they guide students through experiments related to their field.

Please contact Mrs. Dimitriades at if you or someone you know is a scientist and interested in hosting a table for the children on March 9th!

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